
Friday, May 25, 2012

Was That You?

I was in one of my usual dreamscapes though they all blend as in the way of dreams... anyway, it was on a busy Seattle corner, an intersection that is also beneath the train station (that takes you places you don't want to go but feel you must like back to work on the kibbutz in Israel or too spend more time in Egypt or Mexico to learn how to be happy away from home) that is either near or doubles as the humongous airport where you board airplanes as big as cities and lounge on comfy roomy seats with tons of room everywhere and a dance floor and that middle place on all planes where you can opt to sit and have more leg room, but also have to be helper, well, in these dreams, that place is the time warp place where you can go in and through and then float in outer space or ride a rocket, but there is some risk involved like you might get obliterated...and even though you are on a city-sized luxury airplane there is always take off where you either barely clear the mountain or you crash, but you don't die; you just hang out on the icy snowy shards of mountain and talk to the pilot..."well, we're certainly in a bind, aren't we?" and then sometimes the plane lowers into the narrow fly slot like the one from Star Wars toward the end where Luke wins and you can get off the plane and go shopping in the miles of Duty Free tables like at a big convention center and sometimes you dally too long that you barely make your flight.... down the road a bit from this intersection there is also the big red mountain with paradise blue pools, but also snow because you are looking for Mammoth Mountain, but from a distance the mountain is where you want to go for some unnamed reason with the super steep jaggedy cliffs that you can either drive up and then suddenly you are in Palm Springs or a woodsy twisty suburban neighborhood, or you are driving all the way home to LA from Olympia, The Evergreen State College, but not on I5, but on a hiking trail, driving all that way from the backseat of the car btw, on a hiking trail. Sometimes you pull over and get your oil or your tire changed in some random ocean side twist in the road redneck truck stop whose view of the marvelous ocean and redwoods is beside the point because you are stranded with redneck guys with missing teeth and sometimes an extra eye or two and so you are shit out of luck.

Holy Cow, dude. There is more here than I thought. I thought I was just going to start at the point where you were standing on that seaside city neon crowded corner, which in the way of dreams, is also the entrance to the university and hospital, depending, where I am either a) late by a day to teach my comp class at the U or b) being rushed into surgery or c) having some dental work done without novacaine.... so there you are and I say, "I'm ready, should we go?" and you say, "we have to wait three semesters" and I say, "three semesters?" and then it fades... Do you remember this?  (three semesters is nine months)

And do you think the reason so many things are happening at once in dreams is because of your two peace  fingers in the air? Your mug both here and there and all places in between? And is it true that if we keep telling ourselves in waking life that we are dreaming, that our lucid dreams will knock down the fourth wall and we will all meet each other in the bluest tip of the sky?

Meet yourself on the page.

On Dec 1, 2011, at 9:23 PM, 
I would say IN....I have been thinking about you lately....what happened?

Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 6:38 PM
Subject: were you

really IN my dream two nights ago, or just in my dream two nights ago?   Are you/do you go the Lake Hiawatha drum jams ever...if so, are you going Saturday? Nighty night,